
Todd Whitehurst

About Our Founder

Branded Trailers was created by Todd Whitehurst in 2011.  Combining his love of sports and marketing, Todd designed and built trailers for himself and tested them out at local events, college events, and professional sports venues. 

Todd continued to refine the design(s) to take advantage of offline and online marketing strategies. Through trial and error Todd was able to develop a process that allowed anyone willing to put in the time and effort the ability to generate income from almost any type of event. 

Over the years Todd has been asked to design and build custom trailers and has experience with all types and price ranges of tailgating / party / and food trailers. This experience has been captured in this extensive video training course. The course will give you real world information that will guide you and save you years of trying to "figure it out" on your own.  

While Todd no longer builds custom trailers personally he has the resources you need to get your custom trailer (should you decide to build one) up and going quickly. Remember, you don't need to have a trailer to profit from these powerful secrets. You just need to have a desire for success and be willing to work toward your goals. 

Branded Party Trailer Profits

Target Marketing
Let us help you hit your target market and build a community that trusts you and pays you to help them grow their business, relationships, communities, and more!